Friday, July 30, 2010

natalie grace...

Such a cutie pie! I remember little Natalie before she was born (ie. seeing her momma pregnant with her), and here she is 2years old and a little spit fire! Her brunette locks and beautiful brown eyes were a blast to photograph as she was running all around Wegerzyn Garden in Dayton....can't wait to watch her grow up. Enjoy the sneak peak - i am trying to post different pictures on my blog then on my facebook business page - so these should be new ones for any of you who have linked onto here from fb ....

ok seriously - is that the look of a little diva or what? love it.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

the Schneider brood...

What a better gift for your parents on their anniversary then pictures of all of you and your siblings kiddos, equaling 7 grandchildren, just hanging out and being kids. This is exactly what my high school friend Terri and her siblings decided to do. I must admit attempting to have7 kids, of all ages, look at least once simultaneously at the camera = fun challenge! Not only did all of them sport a simple white and khaki outfit combo, but changed into some UD flyer gear - which I loved! Go Flyers and Go Schneiders!

If you recognize the little red-headed beauty, that is Lilliana, whose 3 month pictures were taken about a month ago . ENJOY!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

audra, baby boy, and a beautiful sunset...

Imagine your dream vacation, dream home, dream dinner, dream car.....well, Audra happened to pick my dream location for her maternity shoot. Rugged white barn, farm fencing, tall grass, wild flowers, empty field, beautiful pond, gravel road...and of course a beautiful sunset.

Enjoy the sneak peak of her and her baby boy to be...and thanks to her husband Bob for being such a good sport! I know it was torture :)