Sunday, October 31, 2010

the copeland kiddos...

love these kids. this is the 2nd time dolce has had the pleasure of photographing them - and just as the first time - they kept me on my toes! such a beautiful family they are, starting at the grandparents and trickling down the generational line. enjoy their fall fun...

katie + john = engaged

i had an absolute BLAST photographing katie and john - i may have simply relived my whole 'preparing for the wedding' experience on this day - as i was as giddy as a newly engaged girl myself. they were troopers - putting up with my corn field and tall grass obsession, and then heading to the greene for more pics. enjoy their cuteness...and their love.

the adams family...

what a great family to photograph. many generations present, and so easy going and laid back. enjoy these beautiful fall photos of the adams family...