Tuesday, June 1, 2010

i heart faces...and i heart feets :)

so...there is this amazing photography blog called i heart faces (http://www.iheartfaces.com) that i have been following for about the past month. every week they have a themed photo competition where anyone can enter photos to be judged. this week happens to be a 'non -competition' week, and the theme is 'barefoot week'! need i say that i love the theme hence my love of being barefoot!?!

so yeah, the challenge this week was inspired by an organization called Soles for Souls ( a Nashville-based charity that collects shoes from the warehouses of footwear companies and distributes these shoes free of charge to people in need, regardless of race, religion, class, or any other criteria. Since 2005, Soles4Souls has given away over 7 million pairs of new and gently worn shoes (currently donating one pair every 9 seconds.) The shoes have been distributed to people in over 125 countries, including Kenya, Thailand, Nepal and the United States. Soles4Souls has been featured in Runner's World, Ladies’ Home Journal, National Geographic’s Green Guide, and The New York Times. It has appeared on CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX, BBC, CNN and thousands of regional news outlets across North America. ) 

so check em out! and check out i heart faces when you get a chance! in the meantime..the following is my entry into this week's challenge...and thus my interpretation of what 'barefoot week' means -- and now i believe i must go give myself a pedicure :) xo.


  1. AAWWW! They are all great, but there is something so special about baby feet!

  2. Awesome photos...I love the pregnant pose and especially the baby feet too! :)

  3. All great shots! The kitty feet are my favorite!

  4. What a wonderful collection of feet. Love the furry addition too. Gorgeous!

  5. These are really nice pictures! Here is a compliment...I am not an animal person, but I love the cat shot with the bare toes. :)
    Those baby toes are really cute too...love that little piggy winging out to the side. :)
